“Digging deep in the soil of my heart and finding bits and pieces of my ancient self that tell stories...”
“Digging deep in the soil of my heart and finding bits and pieces of my ancient self that tell stories...”
oh no...he shouldn’t be driving this car.
It was taken directly from VW’s screed on Clean Diesel Technology.
How? It would have increased performance, greater fuel efficiency, and less toxic emissions than its gasoline counterpart.
Options include popular works of fiction like Go Set a Watchman, The Nightingale, The Paris Architect, and Ben Carson’s autobiography,
Options include popular works of fiction like Go Set a Watchman, The Nightingale, The Paris Architect, and Ben…
Dammit, Janet.
Holy crap! I have know of “Wannabe in LA” for a few years now, and had no idea it was by these guys.
You bet, Dearest Scooter. You’ve done so much for me, and so many others, that this is the least I could do to return the favor.
Thanks for being so great.
Hands down, the best thing I’ve found to quiet my mind down to get some sleep is the “Sleep With Me” podcast. No foolin’. :-) You need to check it out, as it’s the only thing that gets me to sleep every night.
A Utah-based attorney named Mark Naugle has even offered his services to Mormons trying to quit.
that head snap, doe
No wonder Phily team fans are such jerks...All the hemorrhoids.
...after a bit of research, I came across, Sh*texpress, a website that provided the exact service I needed.
...if Jim’ll Fix It’s Jimmy Savile hasn’t been such a monstrous sexual predator of children.
When each episode ends everyone says ‘gg’
I lol’d
I really don’t know where the line is anymore.