
“It was just a regular ad that featured a naked woman and a raccoon.”

“Damn, Look at This StarWars Cosplay”

Internet is all pissy cause there’s a white guy helping defend the Great Wall, and that’s historically inaccurate...but everyone ignores the giant fucking dragons...cause those are historically accurate? It’s a fantasy film.

Isn’t there enough other shit in the world to be pissed about?

He didn’t actually cut the baby in half. 1Kings 3:27

Literacy though. AmIrite?

Here Terminator, L2War. Talk soon! kthxbai!

It’s gonna be tough to watch this and not wish it was Jim Carrey as Olaf. I believe NPH can do it, but should it be done? Too late now I guess.


pretty much all I got from it too... #yolo