
Lol. The guy apologized for calling her adorable. All his schooling, training, mentoring, experiences all went out the window when he saw in the drug dealer his own daughter/niece/sister/gf... and that is why, folks, diversity is needed so that the black drug dealer with the cute smile (and one strange eye) is

“I think my notorious adorableness might have gotten me in big trouble!

That’s the smile of a girl who is used to getting away with shit.

I’m sure she’ll be treated the same as say, a male African American drug dealer with no DEA agent father?



I want to fly to Australia and buy this dude multiple beers. Because of his name and his gracious response to going viral for the silliest of reasons.

This was a Vietnamese restaurant in East Vancouver (gone now, sadly) whose proprietors probably wondered why so many snickering white children were taking selfies in front of their sign.

Given everything that asswipe of an ex put her through she can post obnoxious pictures of this wedding forever as far as I’m concerned.

“lol so edgy bro, let’s go show those PC police what’s up and then the hot chix will be all up ons”

1) that photo is adorable

“A Lesson In Not Learning the First Time”

I blame the English language. It’s not Natasha’s fault that “All you can eat” can be singular or plural (and boo to Denny’s for taking advantage of the ambiguity). This wouldn’t have happened in Shakespeare’s day. When the tavern had an “All thou canst eat” special, everybody knew it only meant thee, not thy whole

Kristen Bell:

I went to go see Tarzan in theatres. It was my first movie theatre experience and I was like, three. Phil Collins started singing You’ll Be In My Heart, and I started crying and stood up in my high chair-clad seat and yelled, “A gorilla will never be in my heart! Jesus is the only thing in my heart!”

I am a crier. I cry ALL the time. If someone is even somewhat mean to me I will immediately tear up. I also cry if I get angry or frustrated.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

May I suggest a few titles for this endeavor?