
You call the housing authority and/or your apartment's management company and complain about an infestation.

Love her love her love her. I was first introduced to her from the Mental Illness Happy Hour, and have tried to consume everything she has made. Every time she references something her mother says, I crack up.

There has to be some secret handshake we don't know about.

My biggest pet peeve: when my bill comes to, say, $4.63 and I hand the cashier $10.13 and zie just looks at me like I'm crazy. I don't want tons of singles or a pocketful of change. I'm not even that good at math and I get it.

When I'm running low on funds before payday, I make "Broke Stew." It's a can of diced tomatoes, onions, garlic, beans, and whatever frozen or about-to-expire vegetables I have on hand. Sprinkle some pepper, chili powder, cilantro, whatever else on it. While that's cooking, I throw some brown rice in the rice

On behalf of a 20-something living on her own: milk your parents' time, money, and devotion for all it's worth. We were never rich by any means and I certainly didn't get everything I wanted as a kid, but having to pay bills, clean up after myself, take care of my ornery cat, and hold down a job is not as easy as it


I thought the video was going to be for The Lion King.

Let's say you're dating someone who doesn't like kissing. Zie keeps the makeouts as a pre-sex thing only, and assures you that zie just isn't all that into lip-locks. Seems normal, right?


TMI alert:

I got laid off in December and started my current job in late January. I'm thinking about moving to something different. So three jobs, not three switches.

Where are the Careers and how did we get into the Hunger Games?

At what point does job hopping become "serial"? I started at my current job a few months ago, but I'm considering leaving to follow something I'm more passionate about. So that would be my third job in a year. Too much?

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.

I know it's not a fair comparison because intersectionality exists, but...

Gay Irish people of Color, however, are welcomed with open arms.

Mmmm... beards.

I wrote a paper in 10th grade asserting that "Hamlet" was essentially a written version of the ultimate male fantasy. It was... interesting.

Jordan is one of my favorite literary characters, true story. She's a stereotype-smashing badass.