I Did Not Think This Through

With all due respect, I understand and appreciate your opinion on this matter. ‘You people’ is offensive. I have chosen to be offended by this term, I am offended. My Brother did not choose to die, he did not commit suicide. He died by suicide.

Give me a T. Give me an R. Give me a U M P. Put them all together they spell SATAN, a word that mean the world...WILL END IN FLAMES.

I’d go for the onesie. Having had babies of my own, I can safely say it’s all but guaranteed it will be explosively shit on at some point.

It makes me sad that mothers feel like they have to live vicariously through their daughters, and it makes me sad that daughters think it’s normal to have so few boundaries with a parent.

I have a “Cool Mom”. But she’s also too cool to be seen with a bunch of 20-somethings who can’t afford good wine.

As maids of honors and brides maids, our job is to fill the shoes we don’t want our mothers to be in, including getting a little too close to the chubby male stripper who tries really, really hard. I miss you, chunky cowboy man. I miss you.

Add a vodka tonic to this pic and you’ve pretty much got it.

Any time a group of males is left alone without female influence there is much trouble.

If these guys need adult supervision to run their frat houses to prevent them from engaging in criminal misconduct, maybe they shouldn’t have frat houses to begin with?

I can only hope I am so, uh, active when i’m in my 70s.

The attorney, Stewart Springer, told the Daily Home the sex tape took place in the back of a liquor store that Charlotte owns.

Same. I clicked on it so fast and was then quickly shut down.

“Saw The Monkey”. I am dying.

I absolutely read the headline as referring to the animal “bat” and was deeply disappointed by the article.

Typically, I’d say “Fuck the Kardashians! This isn’t news!,” however, it is sort of interesting that she named it Bruce. While it’s interesting, it’s something that should maybe be discussed with a therapist (it might show that while she’s supportive of Caitlyn’s transition, she misses the memories associated with the

Did i do it right?

I worked really hard on that post, Jia.

“I promise I won’t share.”