I Did Not Think This Through

I’d be really concerned about the body shape of Cinderella in this toy. Is this what we want our girls to aspire to be America - short and squat?! (this is sarcasm)

My daughter was 2 and during a flight to Portland her binkies took another flight, to Montreal, to visit binkie relatives. When we got home she discovered a postcard from them saying they loved Canada and they wanted to stay. She agreed to it.

Thank GOD the Daily Mail chose to address this!!11 I was up all last night worrying about it and the night before, and the night before that. It’s been stressing me out. I know the world at large feels the same.

If we can’t all get together through a global media outlet and worry about a 4 year old’s pacifier, I mean

I DO NOT KNOW. The gifs speak through me. I am but a medium for the magic.

Couldn’t decide if Yul Brynner wanted to dance with you or shoot you?

You’ve convinced me to do something similar:

Not that I am complaining, but why is this something you have at your disposal?

Is it considered the norm, when married couples keep their individual surnames, or have kids outside of marriage, to name the kids with the father’s last name? Is that The Usual Thing? If so, why? Because let me tell you, if something lives in my body for the better part of a year before blowing out my vagina then it

Which watch Jaden, WHICH WATCH?


They aren't going to name him that. The real name, Flames Gold 99 West, is a complete secret, except to me.

I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. I’ll still be thinking of Yul though,

Please don’t suck, please don’t suck. Pleeeeeease.

Either that’s a bad photo or I no longer recognize Joe Rogan

His comments say way more about his insecurities and personality than it ever could about Ronda Rousey but he isn’t even intelligent enough to figure that out.

I read a thing by a former cop awhile back where he said that 15% of cops will always do the right thing, 15% will always do the wrong thing, and the rest just follow their partner’s lead. Depressing as fuck.

Seriously. It’s like some generation forgot to teach their kids (who are now adults) personally boundaries. Eeww.

somebody posted on a facebook