
Correct headline: idling in traffic with your windows down in developing countries with minimal pollution controls increases your exposure to pollution (which may or may not be a meaningful increase that has health outcomes because we didn’t test that).

This is proof that money does not equal good taste. This is one awful looking car, although I do applaud the company for hiring equal opportunity as you don’t see a lot of blind car designers.

“Hypercars” like this are annoying. Visibility so poor as to be unsafe. Looks a cheap kit car.   File under trying too hard. Look, there doesn’t need to be 2 or 3 dozen hypercar marques. Maybe there are 5 that are relevant. The rest are trying to crash the party and cash in.

That the designer was using the drawing table for their nose candy and the razor blade chopped off the back end. I am befuddled who the fuck is going to buy this thing.

Every time I read about Tesla’s successes on Jalopnik I think back to 10 years ago when all the editors called them vaporware.

Aside from having no tailgate, this is pretty awesome. He’s made a widely loathed vehicle into something pretty cool.

The most horrifying thing about this abomination is... I like it. I really do. The matte black doesn’t do it for me, but with an interesting paint job and a little chrome it could look pretty neat.

It’s like if an SSR was somehow worse

Your not wrong, but the public is still never (or at least many years from) embracing massive camera surveillance, even just for traffic monitoring. That’s not just the “ugh no infringing on my #FREEDOM AND MY #RIGHTS” crowd, that’s most of the sane rational people who are just as critical of policing practices as

Yeah, how about no. Speed cameras are BS. 

On a broad scale, he explained that with BMW’s expansive line of vehicles, the brand wants to start differentiating each model more, giving them unique identities.

Of course, copyright holders are required to defend their properties

I love the way an Alpina looks, and the provenance of the brand is undeniable.

I’m not sure which one is more far fetched. Aliens or someone figuring out new forms of engineering that break our current grasp on physics. This all reeks of military subterfuge. Do yo honestly think the US military would publish top secret, science breaking intel because they were worried about a patent? 

This really isn’t a bad idea. Being able to put Android Auto in a car built pre-2016 without having to use some ugly ass Pioneer unit and a dash kit would be great. 

As the old man was fond of saying, “There’s no point in running. Cops have the speed-of-light advantage,” thanks to radio.

This is why I’m passing on TikTok (this and the fact it’s probably Chinese spyware). I feel no need to show off to anyone and if I did, I would squash that impulse pretty quick.

she needed to put something up on TikTok that day”

Attractive person has a viral hit on a social media platform, news at 11.