
Agreed, 996 turbo looks far better.

Different metals in the engine warm up at different rates. Letting your car idle for long periods of time when cold causes clearances to change and you actually cause more damage than good.

Glad I’m not the only one. I have to imagine if he werent rich he wouldnt be anywhere near as successful with his youtube career.

Uhhhh, what? Concept looks good, production car looks like some kind of hunchbacked shrew...thats a no from me dawg.

Yes, I remember this video, FROM WHEN DRIFTING WAS GOOD. It used to be exciting to watch because its required aggressively driving lower powered cars that were not equipped with aftermarket parts specifically designed to make drifting easier. Now its all 1khp V8s and power over....zzzzzzzzzzzz

Thank you, that actually makes sense, though one wonders why this isn’t the first thing stated when this strategy is discussed.

Wow these people are salty as fuck. You know what both the videos and article are missing? A reason as to why this is illegal. My understanding is it is completely legal for an LLC to own a vehicle and to register it in any state as many corporations have always done. If they go after these supercar owners they would

Cool, wheres the unedited video?

This is the first time the thought of Hamilton being the only black F1 driver has ever crossed my mind. Why do these news stories always have to be racist? Racism exists because this type of stupidity perpetuates it. Also the daily show is trash and has been for quite some time now, not much of a consolation prize.


I dont know the stats but tens of millions seems like a lot. I’m sure most of them just use it for the airport to fly in from silicon valley. Regardless it seems pretty hypocritical. 

Yea they gather all their piss and shit and dump it in parking lots in Reno. Very responsible!

No, the original TT is hard to describe. I'd call it ugly but it's too bland to even merit a specific description like that. 

I cant believe there is only 1 in NA considering its already on the approved list. This is the easiest way to import a car that isnt 25 years old and there are a lot of Porsche people with a lot of money on their hands.

Wrong, it will be NA.

I have never understood the impulse to touch a car that doesn’t belong to you. The only thing I can imagine is that these people simply do not understand what cars are in a more meta sense and so they have no feelings towards them. That doesn’t quite explain all the people who show up to car events to do it or your

(every) Previous generations have looked better and the supra will be a victim which is probably the worse crime.

Evo V is best evo.

Yea dont know why an engineer was even asked about this, these decisions are made in financial parts of the business.