What do voting preferences have to do with this note?
What do voting preferences have to do with this note?
I took it seriously.
There are some people that voted for Hillary, were surprised that Trump won, and have posted (on other sites) that they see this as a learning experience. They recognize that the American people are grouping themselves in silos of like-minded people and so they believe that everyone thinks like them.
Oh for God’s sake, you’re not moving to Canada.
Well, I’ll only be seeing about 1,763 comments just like this one today. I might as well get my popcorn.
Won’t work on Toyotas. No clearance to slide the net to the wheels since the cars are grounded to the ground.
“Maybe it’s just that I’m a germophobe and wash my hands 20+ times a day”
It’s that.
If I ever get rich, I’m buying a DB7 and putting a ‘99 Mustang body conversion.
You missed the second-biggest tail risk: Democrat wins the White House.
Is that really to scale? I mean, that thing looks ginormous...like, Hummer big. This could be interesting.
Raise your hand if this ISN’T your secret fantasy. Maybe not mitsus, but with your particular car-fetish.
Nonononono when you hear: “...treated to a dose of POR15 to “prevent any future corrosion.” It’s like undressing and hearing “Don’t worry about the scabs, the meds have cleared that infection right up!” Those drawers get pulled up really fast.
Part of me wishes Manuel had “teached” you how to speak/write better than the other “just as morons” but then i wouldn’t be laughing so hard. Cheers.
“He also says he picked the Alta 8 drone because it has navigation lights making it easy to spot at night” The 1,000w of aux lighting was insufficient for that?
I didn't know the speed limit was a deciding factor in citizenship.