A black man dating a racist. And then writing an article about it, defending it. And then getting a book deal off of it.
A black man dating a racist. And then writing an article about it, defending it. And then getting a book deal off of it.
Uh, you’d be surprised. It happens more than you think it does. You can definitely be racist and date someone of a different race. Just like “I’m not racist, I have black friends” isn’t a thing, “I’m not racist, my boyfriend is black.” isn’t a thing. You’re just a racist with a black boyfriend.
I also know a lot more than you do, so consider that.
it is about race. white people never see it when it’s right in front of their faces. that’s why this site is turning me into a real life black panther.
yeah i was hardcore bragging. i was not simply supplying your racist ass with facts. take off the pointed white sheet so you can see the screen better, sweetheart. choo choo
black man accused of hurting white woman. immediate rush to judgment that black man is guilty. no trial necessary. if it walks like a duck...
how does background research on baker have anything to do with it? he could be the most awful person in the entire world, and he still deserves a defense. especially in the court of public opinion, which has clearly already made up its mind. you shouldn’t be convicted of dv or assault because you’re an asshole, you…
I’m a white lady. I’ll just get that out of the way. I was getting some kind of weird vibes from her statement here. Like, I believe that he probably laid some hands on her, but some of the narrative reminds me of my sister and her ‘abusive’ ex. I hate to use those quotes, but she would brag about how he was abusive,…
In her own words, they had an argument, she hit him, he threw a glass of red wine “on her” (which implies liquid), and she threw the glass back at him (and cut her own hand in the process).
It’s exactly the same as when white men “fetishize” Asian women, but Asian women just “have a preference” for white men.
yeah “shitty luck” that a black man has the common sense to NOT call the cops 1) because of a deeply ingrained cultural aversion to getting others in trouble with the law (aka snitching) 2) because of a deeply ingrained cultural distrust of the police and 3) because of the common sense that no police officer will…
You mean like the KKK raping black women? Good shout slugger
Lauren Nostro works for Complex and all the other writers on Twitter who are friends with her (or work for her) have been bitter towards Ernest Baker for his success, I see it on Twitter everyday. The same complex/noisey/etc. writers circle jerking each other. I’ve seen plenty of bitter subliminal tweets towards him.…
I’d love to know what is misogynistic about what I wrote. The nerve of a black woman to defend a black man before the white mob has all the facts but has already started tying the ropes up the tree. this is why white feminism is such a fucking joke.
how is he an abuser??? everyone on here has already presumed his guilt. i am genuinely confused. if she hit him first, why is he painted as the abuser, even if he was just trying to defend himself? or are all white women dainty flowers who pose no real threats to men, especially black (read: violent, strong) men? WTF…
Is it really telling, though? What it tells me if that she is really playing up the well-meaning white woman as victim role (whether intentional or not) and he is already cast as the angry black male for passionately defending himself against a charge that could fuck up his entire professional career. we don’t even…