
A 32 thousand dollar camera with a picture of a car that can range in price between 350 and 600 thousand dollars. Wow!

@Atmos42: Maybe a yard or so away. Not too far, but pretty far considering that it was a fish.

@hostile-17: I once had a fish escape my aquarium. We found his skeleton months later, outside of the aquarium. He seemed like a pretty damned UNhappy fish... so if your fish has the means to escape but doesn't, that's probably how you can tell.

Yeah, SO? They're Greenpeace. Nobody cares about Greenpeace. At least, no one I know.

OMG reminds me of Halo.

@crimsoneye: Make that a triple date. I want the iPhone girl.

... Still, I find the little guy irrationally adorable. Oh, and the iPod isn't that bad, either.

@ddhboy: They could make a cash bid for shares once the IPO hits the market, but that would cost them a WHOLE lot of money and I doubt that they could afford it.


3 and 42.

Cloudy with a chance of iTunes