What, you didn’t like the Grey’s Anatomy style approach to the FBI? Sexy trainees doing sexy things like having sex?
What, you didn’t like the Grey’s Anatomy style approach to the FBI? Sexy trainees doing sexy things like having sex?
I agree, he was terrific in Bodyguard.
I think I blocked them out of my conscious thought.
Actually, Empire of the Sun is set in the Chine Cinematic Universe (CCU), so I guess it’s a pretty big franchise.
You mean Empire of the Sun was a smaller franchise than Harry Potter? But this “WWII” setting seems to inspired more movies than Rowling’s book!
The AV Club.
That’s almost as many people as it takes to write a Beyoncé song!
Isn’t the Real Madonna a Fictionalized Madonna?
Um, that “talent manager played by Rainn Wilson constantly sports a red bow tie and top hat”, is Dr. Demento. How could you not know that?
This kid has been arrested at least twice for selling meth in a gas station car park to the same undercover police officer.
I'm fairly convinced that a lot of them haven't actually read the damned book, and either go off of what the preacher tells them or skim it to cherry pick things that plausibly can be made to conform to their pre-existing prejudices.
Jason Momoa!
Who knows. These 2 sycophantic nitwits communication style is less capable of expressing a clear idea or representing an objective reality than a pair of Santa Fe crystal healers.
At least you spelled ‘Linkin Park’ and ‘What I’ve Done’ right this time, unlike your colleague...
That’s some brilliant corporate synergy right there! HBO Max produces documentaries exposing various scumbags; Discovery+ then invites those scumbags onto their own reality series. Wait a few years, generate headlines by dramatically cancelling the reality series, produce another HBO Max documentary providing a…
That doesn’t seem right. At least in a couple of the “fast food bad” documentaries I’ve seen they really lean on lower incomes finding food at McD’s more affordable than actually buying vegetables at the grocery store.
LaBeouf is a pretty good actor, I think Ezra Miller has modelled his career after him.