
It wasn’t nu-who that gave them levitation, it was Remembrance of the Daleks back in 1988.

Yeah, I really want to know what that button does.

Ugh. 5:10 AM EST start. I feel like I’m hungover, but I didn’t have anything to drink. It was a pretty wild race, none of the cars could get much traction, no matter what tires they used.

Don’t worry. These days he’s so slow you can duck.

It’s sitting on my bookshelf, but it’s so thick it scares me. 

God, that is such a strange film. Definitely a product of its time. I have no idea what the point of it all was. A bunch of crooks plan a ridiculous heist while under full surveillance? And almost get away with it?

It’s pretty similar to blackjack, isn’t it? Except the object is to get closest to nine instead of twenty-one.

Song of Kali was his first novel, and it’s pretty terrific. Carrion Comfort will always be my favorite.

Dan Simmons Carrion Comfort rivals the best by Stephen King, and The Terror is pretty damn horrifying, too.

Have you heard the story about how Kim Catrall snuck onto the bridge set , in full Vulcan makeup and with a photographer, and shot a series of nudes? I’d love to know if it was true, and what happened to the pictures.

Ugh. Judi Dench got a best supporting actress Oscar for five fucking minutes in that movie. There’s no way you can tell me that wasn’t fixed.

I think Band of Brothers did that, and everything else, better. Somehow, I think Tom Hanks thinks so, too. He looked at Ryan, thought, “Man, I fucked that up”, and went to HBO to get Brothers made. Because that is a goddamn masterpiece.

And the easiest cars to powerslide is the Toybaru twins. Turn off the nanny controls, give it a little extra gas in the middle of the turn, and the rear end breaks loose like nobody’s business. The stock Prius tires don’t hurt, either.

Pretty much this. Someone did a study a few years ago. They interviewed a group of men about their views on homosexuality, then connected them to monitoring equipment that measured their sexual arousal and showed them gay porn. The homophobic were the most aroused. The tolerant heterosexuals couldn’t have cared less.

Maybe they should try to remake the A310 next?

But Phil Collins has managed to get a platinum-selling album out of every break-up.

Really? I had serious issues with Stephen Harper. There was a dude with stability issues and the lack of ability to empathize. It’s just as well he buggered off to write his hockey book.

That’s the really sad part. All the comedians he’s put out of work. They can’t compete with this level of crazy.