Wow. Comparing it to 24 and Homeland is damning with faint praise because both shows are remarkably stupidly plotted. Remember the mountain lion in the first season of 24? Yeah, that was a dumb show.
Wow. Comparing it to 24 and Homeland is damning with faint praise because both shows are remarkably stupidly plotted. Remember the mountain lion in the first season of 24? Yeah, that was a dumb show.
Wait, they’re actually building an aircraft carrier called the Gerald R. Ford? And they’re not afraid of it getting out to sea and tipping over?
Yup. “... ripping her apart like a machine gun”, if memory serves.
God, that’s an awful video! But I had the biggest crush on Meg!
When I see something like this:
Ha, ha! That’s the trick. You start off with something that’s almost believable, and slowly make it more and outrageous.
I like to string people along with my story of ‘Disney Special Security Services’. It goes something like this: since there are a lot of V.I.P.s visiting Disney World, and there’s always the possibility of a terrorist or hostage incident, and since Disney has total control over all services at the resort in Florida,…
One of the car magazines put another engine in the back. Another one tested an Si with a Mugen Turbo putting out something near 200 bhp. They said the torque steer on launch ripped the steering wheel out of your hands.
The BMW contract was a multi-picture deal, and remember that MGM was going bankrupt at the time. So the Z3 in Goldeneye was supposed to have rockets, but the scene got cut, then there was the 735i and the bike in Tomorrow Never Dies, and the Z8 in The World is Not Enough. The Astons came back in Die Another Day but…
James Bond was never a spy. He is, as M once called him in the books, a ‘blunt instrument’. Spys go undercover and collect intelligence. Once M has decided what dirty work needs to be done, he sends in 007 to make a mess. His job has always been to take out the opposition.
That sounds about right. There was a report on the radio about the last time Elton was in town, he spotted in a record store, just casually thumbing through the vinyl records. And he’s a big fan of the Beaches, if you’ve heard them. I think they opened for him at his Toronto concert.
So, the last season of Homeland? (The Russians were behind the disinformation campaign against the president, using an army of Twitter-bots.)
Yeah, I kept my first-year (model year 2002, bought in early 2001) WRX until 2014, when I traded it in on a new FRS. So I guess I’m still a Subaru owner? (Kinda?)
Gibson’s ‘Sprawl’ trilogy: Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive are pretty much required cyberpunk reading. Then dig into Bruce Sterling’s stuff. Have fun!
According to Wikipedia, it was developed by GM Korea, worked on by Holden, and tuned by Corvette engineers.
I love Snowcrash to bits, but Neuromancer was published in 1984. That was the book that broke cyberpunk wide open.
when somebody says they were in the Special Forces, they almost certainly were not.