If you live in a city and don’t have a car. If you don’t eat fast food. If you want to eat inside the restuarant.
If you live in a city and don’t have a car. If you don’t eat fast food. If you want to eat inside the restuarant.
a gallon of rancid soybean oil from a fryer is not “just oil” and a gallon of olive oil loaded with polyphenols not “just oil”.
The end of that Dennis Quaid interview reminds me of that scene in Beaches where Bette Midler is watching her televised interview and is asked something along the lines of “who really is CC Bloom?” and then she cringes at the ridiculous answer that she gives.
Did Drake at any point consider that it might not be the greatest for his son to hear songs down the track about how he was an accident that his father was embarrassed about?? Because shit, I’m sure his son will grow up knowing the situation and all, but its a different thing to have it out there as music for public…
Interesting list. A combo of some of the most conservative and liberal areas of the country. Apparently anti-vax stupidity goes across political viewpoints.
I hate people who always claim that they’ve never met you when you’ve been introduced to them/spoken to them several times.
I find it bizarre this article then immediately made an attack on Kate’s dress, right after admonishing Katy Perry for doing that to Meghan....wtf Jezebel?
Woozle wuzzle?
delllll coooooo
But you can say whatever anti-semitic shit you want as long as you profess undying loyalty to Israel. That’s how Steve Bannon gets invited to speak at ZOA events and why Bibi Netanyahu’s son posts anti-semitic memes on Facebook.