As soon as I heard this, I went to iTunes and bought Wild Honey Pie and Maggie Mae!
As soon as I heard this, I went to iTunes and bought Wild Honey Pie and Maggie Mae!
@corpore-metal: Um.. have to disagree with you there.
@moonshadowkati: I welcome our new squiggly, oblique strike-through advertising overlords.
@qballdz: Flight attendants will be offering clean underwear for a reasonable fee of $10 / pair.
Playing guitar takes talent.
Am I the only one whose mind usually reads "Pom" as "Porn"?
Why no more Lost spoilers?
@OddManOut: Umm, actually, it did pretty much destroy them.
... and it's good for your heart!
PS, It does look sexy in a minimalist, Metropolis mode.
"Are "analog controls" really a feature?"
Probably would have been a better idea if they hadn't put the torchy part of the flashlight on the bottom of the candleholder, forcing you to tip your [possibly burning] candle sideways to get that electric light...
"Does the World Need a Candle Holder Flashlight?"
@Pope John Peeps II: Is your real name John Zoidberg, perhaps..?
I was just thinking "Does it come with a taser?"