
Don’t see why it wouldn’t...

The FFXV Pocket Edition is also amazing,kudos to SE for finally getting mobile right.

If you’re using an Nvidia card you can set up customers resolutions in the Nvidia driver app and then use them in game.

Yes, great article, I’m glad to see some support and respect from the gaming media for the amazing job that Microsoft has done with bc. I have hundreds of games across Xbox / 360 / One and thanks to the 4TB drive I installed on my X I know have every digital game that I’ve ever purchased on it.

Meh. I’ll speak proper English and if somebody prefers something other than a biological descriptor they can speak up.

I bought Civ VI on launch day and still haven’t finished a single campaign. Civ V is just better... it looks better, it runs better and it plays better.

Whatever. I’m enjoying the game and it appears from the review averages that Jason here is a +3 sigma outlier. Unfortunately, rather than just accept that he’s an outlier, Jason basically trashes other reviews and essentially assigns a form of confirmation bias to them while also arguing that they may feel bullied by

Hmmm... I prefer the current look. What we need is more functionality not a new interface.

I’m done with these types of games. Done.

With all due respect, perhaps you should disclose that net neutrality subsidizes your employer and that you are therefore a conflicted party. Now that we’re back to the “bad old says” of... oh, two years ago, we’re going to... wait... it wasn’t that bad two years ago.

Probably too little too late. I think that EA should use the Overwatch or PUBG model that is proven to work (and it works incredibly well).

That amazing moment when you know you have a great scoop and you’re looking for somebody to high five! Feels good huh?

Now playing

This looks interesting but I have a problem with Mozzila and their support for terrorist groups. As far as I can tell they’ve never denied or clarified their position and just ignored it. I’m not supporting or using their products until they explain this or refute it.

Always hated Neogaf. Anybody in a senior position that dates an employee is an idiot.

I moved full time to Linux earlier this year on my PC’s and Laptops and have absolutely no problem. I could never go back. I use Ubuntu Budgie which has a beautiful desktop and Chrome is there for most of the stuff that I do online. I use WPS as an office suite, which functions and looks nearly identical to MS Office

“It’s great!”

This makes me less optimistic! This is the guy that got his big chance on Mass Effect 3, and not only completely blew the entire franchise, but blamed it on his team before they started to anonymously point the finger back at him (Google it). Jason probably has more insight into his involvement and mishandling of the

For every ISP, there’s millions of content providers. Is it any wonder that all of these free loaders, including some of the biggest and wealthiest companies in human history, are rallying up the troops so that they can continue to mooch off the investments made by the ISP’s. Silicon Valley is of course HQ for those

Interesting, according to this poll - 40% have UHD TV’s now and of the remaining 60% - almost half of these say they are at least 50/50 or very likely to purchase one in the next year.

I disagree with the narrative that the XBOX will fail. There is a strong market for premium gaming (see Xbox Elite Controller) and I think that the XBOX will find a niche in Xbox One S gamers that want to upgrade to 4K and PC gamers that want an inexpensive 4K alternative. There’s a thread on Reddit /buildapc with