Morning coffee has to be the same, every cup, every morning. It’s 5:30, dammit. I don’t like surprises at that hour.
Morning coffee has to be the same, every cup, every morning. It’s 5:30, dammit. I don’t like surprises at that hour.
It’s infuriating when people willfully ignore the fact that North America is primarily white BECAUSE OUR FOREFATHERS KILLED OFF THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE YOU DOLT.
If it helps, I’m paying the awful price too, since I posted that. TAAAAAAKE OOOOOOONNNNN MEEEEEEEE (take on me!).
Here is a still of the actual threat event from a local security camera:
Same here. Trying really hard to continue to be happily married.
That is a fantastic idea and you need to be ungrayed. I have an elderly relative with AMD, and we gave her a bunch of google home minis - one for each area of her home she spends time in. I’d love to have a resource to teach her how to do more than check the weather, call her kids and play NPR.
Same here. I revel in all things Fyre Festival like Scrooge McDuck loves to roll around on his money pile. I’m not proud to know this about myself.
I’m hoping to god there is a “Behind the Music” style epilogue documenting the festival attendees-slash-nitwits struggles to recover. “Jet and Kiki and I spent our student loan money on those bracelets, and now we’re having to drink *boxed wine* until mummy gets over herself and ponies up the cash. I’m in therapy.”
Let’s do it and be legends, man!
Oh my god, yes. Fyre Festival is the gift that keeps on giving. Tis was me all last fall:
I would watch the hell out of that.
I work in drug development. “Gateway Drug” is not a category.
Always a great gif.
These people don’t realize that calling someone “classy” is not a compliment.
Exactly. It’s like he doesn’t care about anything other than is his date “generically bro-cceptable”. I don’t think he’s having sex because he likes sex, I think he does this as a way of saying “Hey guys! Guys! Look! I’m cool now, right? Right? HEY GUYS....”
Same here. I’ve finally gotten to that point in life where I have my financial shit together, uh, ducks in a row, I mean, and the idea of having no debt....
+1 A-Team reference
> 1. lol “taint team”
Like, does he know this because he did it? What kind of person “guarantees” molestation?