
I am shocked, shocked I say! That this man doesn't have strong, healthy personal relationships with women.

Sounds like you’re a disillusioned Sanders supporter who can’t shake the misinformation from the primaries because so many far-left supporters kept pushing it as the truth: Hillary and the DNC did not steal the campaign, they won it fair and square. Also, according to the Fact-Checking sites,mshe and Bernie were about

How boring for you that some people care about the national interest of the USA, and by extension, the Western world. I agree it must be so very tiresome to voluntarily visit websites that report on efforts to keep America’s nuclear arsenal out of the hands of a narcissistic, delusional megalomaniac.

He reminds me of Tracy Jordan from 30 Rock. If somebody tells him not to do something suddenly that’s all he wants to do, and does. Only Trump is wildly less intelligent or talented but with 100 times the ego.

Love it. She is brilliantly trolling him, he can let no slight go.

I’m kind of amazed that grad students are managing to get unionized before adjuncts, but at least progress is being made. If it keeps up, hopefully it will spread.

Oh let this be the first of many blows to the exploitative and unsustainable clusterfuck that higher education has become.

As a college professor I can only speak from my experience and here it is: trigger warnings are used by students mainly as a way of getting out of work or for not having to read literature that they don’t want to. In legit cases (such as a veteran fresh from Afghanistan who didn’t want to watch a segment of Band of

as a side note, yes, i do believe that there is some hypersensitivity over certain things, but that’s beside the point.

I can’t believe 2016 is a real year that we’re all living through.

I kmow right? Julie is out of control again and the high school kids need guidance!


When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an

Was it really a long-awaited list? I mean the century only started 16 years ago to begin with...

So what is, again, she didn’t want to do it.

It’s almost time for your morning pudding, grandpa. Let’s get you back over to Deadspin for your snack and nap.

You are so clever.

Honest question: did you just read every third word of the article, or only half the headline? No one is shaming Marla, and she didn’t “choose” to do it, Trump was pressuring her to. Keep holding your breath about getting to see nude photos of her though.

Maybe I’m a pessimist, but I think most rich old guys, while perhaps not as flamboyant, are pretty similar to Trump.

“Donald overrode the P.R. people. He wouldn’t take any advice and he wouldn’t shut up.”