
The US coverage was terrible. NBC showed way too much Michael Phelps, that is was offensive to other athletes. There is no need to show him sitting and doing nothing. Al Trautwig deciding to dismiss Simone Biles’ parents as not being her “real parents” was mean and petty.

I’ll say the unbelievably sexist commentary was my major take-away from this Games cycle. From the World Record swimmer having her glory given to her husband/coach, to the talking heads demanding women athletes put rouge on their lips and cover their zits, it was .....difficult to listen to.

I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.

Botox shaded Thiel

(What they didn’t tell you in law school is that justice, in fact, isn’t blind. It’s just nearsighted. With some corrective lenses or a bit of LASIK, justice can see clearly and make some exceptions based on common sense.)

Missed shade court so, so much! Can you please, please do a ruling on Peter Thiel vs. Botox because I’m pretty sure all the botox in his forehead, despite being an inert bacteria, is totally shading him.

Every single person I know who has been to Rio got robbed at gunpoint. It seems to be a thing there.

I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers are trying to get her killed?

so I found real Trumps doctor

I for one welcome our new Univision overlords and would like to remind them that with my passing knowledge of a little bit of high school Spanish I could be instrumental in recruiting other commenters to work in their sugar mines. `

So Univision bought Gawker yesterday for $135 M. For perspective, Denton valued GM at $250 M last year, and Univision recently paid $200 M for 40% of The Onion. Ouch.


“HILLARY WAS THE CO-PILOT........I don’t know if you heard me mention that”

Looks like he caught himself mid-bullshit in that video. I think that’s the perfect look of “oh shit, tomorrow is gonna suck.”

Don’t worry, tonight Katrina Pierson will explain to us that Obama founded Al Quaeda, and actually piloted the planes that crashed into the towers (both of them).

Kim was born into a pretty well off family too

William and Harry grew to handsome-for-a-royal maturity

All I know is I will NOT be voting for Bill Clinton this November.

I feel very disinclined to pass judgment on this dude, because it seems like he’s making these products for people who actually practice witchcraft as their religion? That could be my incorrect hot take, but I just feel wrong shitting on this dude for trying to make a (albeit odd) living. As long as he’s not trying to