
I’ve given young women this advice many times: Never be grateful for a job. A job is not a prize. You are being hired because they need YOU.

I was coming here to say this. But you did better!

And maybe if she hadn't married that nasty Bubba she would have long since been president. Maybe he's held her back.

“In her advanced years?”

I think they intentionally made it bad. Like he wasn’t worth mocking well. It was all about the visuals anyway.

I'm a sucker for a good forearm. And hands. I really look at hands.

Legs swell when you get older. Especially at day’s end. My ankles are one size when I wake up, and another when I go to bed. I guess I’m saying that cankles can develop during the course of a day.

But the thing is, in Any Town, USA, Hillary would be considered a fine looking woman. Her skin is good, her eyes are bright, her hair looks great.

So, he paid like $30,000 for it? Hope you got a good settlement, because he’s your ex, and a $30,000 means he has a nice income. And, because a very nice one carat, but certainly not flawless, sets you back $10,000. Otherwise, a diamond just looks like a garage floor covered in ice after a March snowstorm.

I stand by my glove slap.

“Relatively decent president?”

First, as I’m sure all of you know, roses are edible.

Hey, my daughter was gently pushed away from AP physics by the woman who taught it because...and I swear I’m not lying, she was “really into her looks.”


Of course. Schools weren’t teeming with make teachers when I was growing up. In fact, now that I think about it, only one was a man. The math teacher.

I am 54. Until I was in fourth grade, girls were not allowed to wear pants to school except on snow days. And then we had to wear them under dresses. This was a public school in the 70s.

As a middle aged woman who likes coverage, I’d buy the $1,200 knockoff.