It is kind of rude to not ask someone if its okay to film them. I don’t think that is particular to Japan. The sanitary concerns are real as well and I assure you people would freak out about it in America as well.
It is kind of rude to not ask someone if its okay to film them. I don’t think that is particular to Japan. The sanitary concerns are real as well and I assure you people would freak out about it in America as well.
I would agree except the fucking sailing part to go get the tri force pieces.
I acknowledge that, but also Sony’s full treatment of the vita leaves a sour taste in my mouth, and this just strengthens that taste.
I think its some serious bullshit that the vita and the ps3 are getting cut off at the same time, despite the fact that the vita came out like five years after the ps3. Fuck you too Sony.
That is the sound a grill often makes when you light it.
Barbecue is just a grill that heats from below.
I know its in bad taste to talk about the sex appeal and what not, but...
Look, I mean no harm here, but what the NYT article says is not what this article says. People need to stop conflating what works for them and what works in general. Because you thought something was true, and then a study maybe hints at it, does not make it true. Science needs iteration, don’t dismiss a finding as…
I feel there is a certain irony in your ad hominem rhetoric and weird strawmen given your obvious dislike of Trump. I’d agree not every game needs a switch port, and it has some technical short comings that make it largely unfit to port some of the more recent triple A titles. I am unsure why you feel the need to spew…
I cant play city of heroes anymore! WHAT A SCAM THAT WAS!
I agree T.T
Comically small sample size and looking for a problem? Sounds like quality research!
Sometime in the fall D=
Thats pretty great. I did a no hit run on Maz, but I still used all the weapons and whatnot. I lost it on the part where they circle you and stab in at the same time so many times before I got that down... and he is 100% on the stomp - RESPECT THE STOMP
Its fine just making sure! Thanks for the tip!
Holy shit I’ve lived in Dover my whole life and I had no idea there was a noodle bar in Portsmouth.
I just went and checked for you, sir. It is fully purchasable without the expansion.
Wait... There are Hooters outside the states? That never even sort of crossed my mind as a possibility.
Can’t wait to see what they do with the porn one in response O.O