
WTB Public domain, PST. 

I need reimbursement for the shirts I rended in anguish.

That’s a super fallacious argument my friend. His being rich does not good advice make. Also if he were being a good actor he'd likely argue in good faith with real numbers, and admit that profit was a goal. 

Try it with some headphones in handheld mode. I find it near impossible to play rhythm games through tv and speakers.

Luigi’s Mansion? o.o

I’m just about through the first game and I have to say thank fuck for their quicksave menu thing. Both the in game and the on top one. I’ve been using the collection menu as you can just skip right through the load sequence to right where you are. If you’re a fan of the classic mana games the switch collection is a

But imagine botw with dungeons and fishing! I know that's what I'm imagining lol

There was a big push against Steam, but I personally started using it when valve started if they ever stop steam I will be able to download all my games first. The steamworks stuff is great now, and easily connecting to friends games is a great feature.

I wouldn’t only be slightly miffed if they were talking to their base about it, rather than trying to make it an announcement like people are going to be happy. They can’t possibly think at least some people wouldn't react poorly to it.

Yeah I have a hard time giving Facebook a live feed of my house and activities... 

I appreciate conversation! Good clarification, it isn’t beating me over the head if I clearly didn’t understand you the first time. Text is such a mediocre form of communication, it requires extra time to make things more clear.

This is a good joke, I am amused; you should feel pride in this joke.

Agree to disagree. I certainly didn’t mean it as dismissive, and you didn’t take it that way. I think starting with a no would have been more dismissive sounding. Next time I’ll open with OBJECTION!

but then they fall down

Mostly throwing stuff. It's great for throwing stuff. 

Nah, Pokemon x evil dead. Both main characters are named Ash.

I’ve been playing games since crap on my dads computer loading stuffs in DOS. I have no memory of not playing games, I couldn’t begin to tell you what the first game I finished was, nor do I have any idea what my first game was. If I had to take a random guess, it was probably Wing Commander. I don’t remember if I

Valve has long said if steam ever goes belly up there will be announcements and they will make sure you're able to download your games. That was the only reason I began purchasing on steam.

I have crazy tmj issues and if I don’t wear a mouth guard I get the worst fucking headaches imaginable every day for the first two hours or so that I am awake. I also can’t use the over the counter mouth guards, I’ve tried a few different brands and the longest one lasted was three nights before I bit clean through

I love the ones that come with coins. I don't really know why; I am not the guy that collects coins. Game I'm mildly interested in has a collectors edition with a coin? Purchased.