Yeah... that would be sad.
Yeah... that would be sad.
Dunno enough about the Switch innards to say. Clearly it doesn’t support thunderbolt 3 or else the dock would have a big ol’ INTEL somewhere. So displayport maybe? Then again I guess vesa would be clammering for some PR spotlight too, so fuck it, I have no idea, sometimes when I browse the internet I blurt out stupid…
Scalability is a real thing... not some pipe dream. I have a good computer built a few months ago and it plays all kinds of games at super max awesome eyeball exploding good levels. I still play games with my dad regularly who is on a computer that is coming up on its seventh or eighth birthday. The power difference…
True, we’ll see. I’m hoping it’ll make it kind of like in tablet form.
eh, you can change the docked resolution output in the menu. If there are issues initially I’ll just drop down to 720p personally. That being said, I feel like dock upgrades are just a matter of time... they kind of seem like a no-brainer.
That is me and any number of my friends from high school through to after college... a lot.
I remain unconvinced of the fact that staying awake for 24 hours killed the man. He likely had some other not diagnosed weird health problem. My sympathies to his family of course, and it is always horrible no matter the cause, but saying or implying he died of sleep deprivation is... a bit of a stretch. That being…
Your penis too, it’s great tech.
I love the Vita, its my most used console since... well probably the PSP I guess. I just wish Sony was a little more in to it is all.
If only Sony was such a good company T.T
Thank you for that link.
It is cool. My wife spent a similar amount of time shooting people as Lucio on her team. It was only discovered when she apologized for letting me die because she was reloading.
The fuck cares? Finally got a rogue! Woohoo!
I only get it when I eat hot far past my comfort zone. It is seldom worth it and typically happens by accident for me... sometimes on bets.
Yeah you’re rockin a bit more in the memory dept than I am, but similar specs outside of that. Imma be tinkering some tomorrow afternoon, I’ll try and remember to write back afterwards if I find a sweet spot; thanks for the heads up.
YOU’VE GIVEN UP YOUR AGE YOUNGIN’! Multi-user dungeons were real time text based games. Good times.
It is by far my most played game in VR, it is truly an awesome experience.
Been playing minecraft in VR on vanilla... this weekend I begin to try and work in mods. its going to be so great =o
=| those are fine as hell
Your argument is steeped in rationality and not reality. Those things sound like they make sense, but in practice they just don’t work out. If you for some reason believe the average consumer is a douche unwilling to pay for the product I feel you have a skewed point of view. I can’t speak to China’s situation, I have…