
I’ve been waiting for this game so long that its the reason I bought a PS3.

Tetris 2 probably, and yeah it was my favorite tetris.

You make a few flaws in your thinking. One, inflation is a bit trickier than most people give it credit for. For one, inflation is great! The fed aims to have the national inflation rate hovering around 3% annually because inflation eats away at debt and encourages growth; it is a sign of a healthy economy.

This made me laugh, thanks for that.

My issue is with their collection policies more than the outrageous interest rates. First thing - never talk about APR, it is a useless metric designed purely for the sake of “simplifying” which does nothing more than obfuscate the actual rates on the loan. If you want to talk interest talk APY. And no, on a short

Update guys... no telefragging.

But no one has bothered to answer the most important question - Does the translocator do damage and can I telefrag peoples?

Yeah, but the average pay period, and legally required pay period in a lot of states, is 2 weeks, so I picked that as a secondary math... thingy. I’d imagine people get payday loans within their pay period as well, so likely not a full two week period. I think my numbers paint a rosier picture than the truth, which

The 8% interest rate in a two week period is the same thing as the apy of 640%. It isn’t luck, those are the same values.

Yeah the IRS gets a raw deal. I’ve helped out friends and some small businesses with tax issues, even a few mistakes on mine over the years and they’re always super patient and helpful. Is it a slow as molasses process? Yeah, but they’re horribly underfunded and understaffed, so that is to be expected.

Just wanted to reply to myself after doing some reading, 640% interest rate actually seems like a average to below average rate for a payday loan... So I was wrong about that whole factor of two thing.

Its a raw deal, plain and simple. They’re taking advantage of shitty situations to make a buttload of cash. It is the very definition of predatory lending. Good luck finding what happens when you need to pay late (A survey in England by Which? found this to be about half of the loans, which is fucking huge) because

If you have other options, that 16 dollars over just a month is A HUGE INTEREST CHARGE. I’m guessing you’re period was two weeks like a normal paycheck period though, so that is even worse. Go to an actual financial institute and take out a 200 dollar loan. If you’re the type of person that rarely has to do a payday

That isn’t how interest works. That would be simple interest; they are not charging simple interest. Compound interest at that rate (assuming this is a month to month term, which it could be even shorter given the vague dates op is giving here) would be 8% like you said, but 8% compounded over 12 periods is an

For one, crosswalks are legally agreed upon locations that pedestrians can cross streets. At least where I live that is any street corner, regardless of those stupid white lines.

wat Q2 was slow on the multiplayer portion. The only good thing in Q2 multiplayer scene was rocket olympics. Q1CTF till Q3 came out, don’t even man... just don’t.

Fie! Damn makes and make! Plural and singular verbs with conjuctions and dependencies on those have always been my weakness! Hooked on phonics has failed me for the last time!

wat? Did you just misquote me to make it look like I made a mistake, or is there some other thing I’m not seeing here?

Your grammar and spelling makes me weep inside. That aside, nothing the vive is doing is exclusive. SteamVR works with both, only issues being controller related, and I think whenever Oculus gets their controller thingy out those will be mostly rectified. The good thing is that releases are going exclusive to the

It isn’t fanboying bud, facebook has a track record for shitty business practices. Greg is right, fuck facebook.