
I can’t get behind Oculus anymore because... well... I just really hate facebook.

It, for the most part, strikes me as odd that lets plays don’t pay anything to the games they play. Youtube has a lot of weird things like that to me that haven’t yet been sorted out, and people seem to really freak out when anyone tries to do anything about it. There are a lot of weirdly popular youtube channels that

I enjoy becoming champion to crush the dreams of small children and take their money away, saving them the effort and wasted time they spend trying to become the new champion. THEY WILL NOT BEAT ME IN FIVE YEARS, BEST THEY LEARN THAT NOW.

Nah the toll tokens haven’t been accepted at tolls in over a decade. Pretty sure they were no longer usable 2006 and on.

I did a server first rush in one of the wow xpacs, I was a college student at the time, deans list, had a girlfriend and a part time job. I took a couple days off.

The bottom line is sony can go fuck themselves as far as I’m concerned. No price point is convincing to me at this point. Buying their consoles is fine but they have a history of not giving their other peripherals shit for attention and honestly I’ve tried to much of their stupid botched efforts to have any faith left

Every time I see someone say they’ve seen it all I check to make sure theyve seen the pterodactyl porn video. There are two reasons for this, one, if you haven’t seen it then you should; just go google search it immediately. The other reason is because it is hilarious and tying the memory of watching it to someone

My wife and I affectionately call this the boobie game. We both at many times have forgotten the actual name. It is also a very fun hack and slash.

Oh my fuck you just blew my mind sir.

Man a pokemon game with this as the battle system... what dreams are yet unrealized?

I feel like hots is starting to get more of a competitive scene or something, as people have started being like - WHY WOULD YOU PICK THAT CHAMP HES BAD NOOB - and that sort of thing a bit. I hope it isn’t a trend that continues.

Touche! Smites community was also very kind, but admittedly it slipped from my mind as I just could not invest myself in that game sadly.

I’ve played just about every MOBA, certainly all the big named ones, and HOTS is by far the least toxic game environment for a MOBA. Honestly, its probably the best multiplayer game I’ve ever played as far as toxicitiy goes in the past decade or so.

Pfbbbt that’s poppycock, good sir! UT2k4 is surely the pinnacle of unreal sophistication!

just put seran wrap over your eyes o.o Learned that from a sushi chef friend of mine when he mixes up wasabi.

I will leave it to your imagination.

But you can’t stack it with legos! Ultimately, and sadly, a failure of toy engineering.

My wife is horrified by monkies. I am tempted to buy one of these for her.

I am a happily married man. People saying they should just sleep with a person has likely never slept with a person. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING FURNACES. If I want a human shaped pillow to sleep with it is a matter of comfort. People are comfortable sleeping apparatuses. I don’t sleep cuddled up to my wife because I wake up

Oh and it is believed that a small portion of people actually adhere to speed limits, and when they’re arbitrarily lower than what people would drive with no posted speed limit, those arbitrarily slower people make the people who ignore speed limits (Most people when a cop isn’t around) engage in riskier behaviors