
Most of the ‘external’ is accidental, not gun related. They’re pretty evenly split between poisoning, car related, and falls. Those are in order of number of cases largest to smallest as well. I think gun violence comes in behind falls, except for in the younger population where I believe it takes second place? I

Its about 30,000 people per year. Annual deaths in 2008 was 2473018.

I hope not, because I have played the shit out of that game and it was great.

Pfft, parents slacking! Didn’t even open the console up to update it! That is a rookie mistake.

I’m so glad they’re doing a different take on the game instead of just making the old game prettier. If I wanted to play through FF7 again I would do just that. This looks like a new, enjoyable experience and I am looking forward to it.

I actually liked the volley ball gameplay o.o I remember playing the original and being actually surprised it was fun and so I went out and bought it. That and... what was the other one called... Outlaw Volleyball? *google search in progress* yeah thats it =|

Smites not top down but it is a MOBA.

He was in a super common spot and the enemy team wasn’t exactly surprised he was there. Why wouldn’t he check?

o.0 What? It will totally get him laid. My knowledge of anime has gotten me laid multiple times; his awesome rubik’s cube skills will definitely land him some.

That’s the only medical reason to not do sit ups. It is an inefficient exercise I guess, but that is hardly a medical reason to not do something. Inefficient exercise is a dumb term trainers use to sell some new bullshit anyway. “Only targets one muscles group!” Oh noes! I COULD BE WORKING MORE MUSCLES! I am wasting

I’d say all people who treat back injuries with a medical background would say that. I’d still be pretty surprised if the chance of slipping a disc doing a sit-up or crunch was all that high.

Yeah I hope they take it back out tbh.

They put undue pressure or your spine and increase the chances of slipping a disc. But uh... pretty sure the chance of that is pretty small. Still you get more bang for your buck in that area doing planks anyway.

Holy shit this was a quest? I just stumbled in to the comic store and was like oh hay cool costume radiated people friends! Don’t mind if I do!

This is what I did for my wife basically to help her more with her day to day finance stuffs. That is a fun inspiration for the idea!

Gamera Gamera! Saver of all children!

I must know - Does this game have a composer similar to Mario Paint? If it did I would leave right now and buy it immediately.

Hell’s Foundations Quiver is coming out October 13th. 8th book in the Safehold series by David Weber. It has been a fairly enjoyable series thus far.