
Missed the price point by 2 dollars.

Hmmm... a gypsy and you caught him in the act! He must share all his riches now! Right?

It offers something simple for me - a boot alternative that doesn't have my normal shit running just for games. If they make an OS I can play my games on that squeezes out a few extra frames and some quicker loads then of course I'll jump on it. I'm planning on making a cheap steam box for my living room basically

Hot glue gun accidents o.o

My dad got me a sweet bowtie... I'll upload a pic here in a little bit.

Its pretty much the reason I decided to get a PS3... I obviously jumped the gun by a few years, but it would still be nice if I could play it without purchasing another new console o.o

I was imagining a lego seat made with non-flat bricks at first. Most painful seat ever.

My first thought as well

I haven't yet played Dragon Commander (I just can't seem to get myself to play RTS's anymore for some reason) but I have put a fair amount of time in the Shadow Warrior. It had an enjoyable enough story and the writing was certainly well done, but I am unsure I think as highly of it as you do, which is fine. I play

I would love to see better critics in video game reviewing, but I think we'd first need to have a larger base of games worth that kind of in-depth analysis. Not to be mean to games, I love games, but they just haven't really emerged as a thought-provoking medium. It is too expensive and time consuming for one person


I hate trophies. Stupid little message on my screen.

Pen15 club! MOVE OUT!

My favorite is swimming around and trying to get on ships sailing around. Hop on one of those Man'o'wars out there and kill the whole crew up on the deck in melee combat then hop back on your ship, shoot the enemy ship once, and BAM! captured Man'o'war. Makes pimping out your fleet with ships easier on earlier in the

I was kind of annoyed that you HAVE to use download play for this. My gf and I both nabbed a copy, and while I think the download play is absolutely awesome, not just being able to join a game through the actual game is just... fucked.

=D my favorite kind!

Classy no spoilers Metroid cover.

I wish I had just an ounce of artistic talent so I could draw something that at least portrayed what it was I was attempting to draw. As is my drawing skills haven't much improved since I was about oh... say eight or nine.

Yeah I'd agree with that a bit, still feels not very ironic, but that might just be me being too used to the idea. The OP expressed a different idea where celebrating Thanksgiving with the knowledge of the impending stampede was ironic, which is definitely not ironic, just sad and stupid.