
I ate a habanero when I was 12 because I loved peppers and didn't realize it was super hot or anything. The package said hot, but I'd been eating jalapenos for a couple years at that point and didn't even think anything of it.

An otaku is a person who obsesses about something. His definition dances around that about, but his proposed definition is similar enough.

Awful arguments because...

Now playing

the internet will now shun you for not getting the konami code right.

I played like 20 hours so far which probably isn't all that healthy, but its just so fun >.<

Microsoft execs got tired of

Well pedophilia is a sexual interest towards prepubescent children, where pederasty is a homosexual relationship between an older man and a teenage male. It would be important to note the difference in age between the victim in the case of pedophilia and the young man in the case of pederasty. Pederasty isn't an

I never claimed the people on fox were intelligent, I was just telling you what the word meant =P

referring to homosexual relations between an older male and a teenage male

People don't name things with verbs very often and it isn't uncommon for an English name to not match the Japanese one very accurately.

It doesn't really matter if a bag of chips costs 8 dollars as a dollar is just a set value we agree on as a society. You could note that a dollar is roughly 90-100 yen, so dear god a dollar is worth 100 yen! Inflation has a function of destroying debt over time just like it slowly destroys stationary money. So if you

sweet! Been looking forward to it

Lol I'm not saying we don't have problems, but linking them to inflation is a bit of a misnomer. GINI also needs context, I only say that because for some reason people ignore that and only attribute it to income when it has many other interesting uses. I'm with you 100% on class disparity issues and feel the

I think you're off a week? I thought this was coming out on the ninth?

Its decreased a very healthy amount - inflation in small amounts is a good thing for a healthy economy.

A little inflation is a good thing. Low rates of inflation are optimal in terms of the economy for most situations, and that is a very different thing than the value of the dollar declining used in the pejorative sense.

I have like the first two sections of pictures still in my lego box.

No I mean there was another version of minecraft prior to the paid alpha that was strictly creative mode, no survival. Then there was just survival in the paid alpha for a while and creative was added back in later.

Minecraft started off as what you know as creative mode... survival mode didn't come along for quite some time.

Hmm... one of the following: