
Huh. Well I like you don't really give a damn either way about fan service (Well I suppose I'd rather it not be there, but whatever) and the game actually sounds enjoyable from your review. I am now torn on a game I never thought I would even look in to. Combination of dissidia and dynasty warriors sounds like an

First off - no one is 100% bad. Even Satan! If you want to go from a judeo-christian point of view satan is responsible for man's capacity for good and evil (what I consider a good part of freedom) he is allowed to exist because god allows it, so in some manner his existence must be right. That aside, you even say

Yay! I enjoyed the first two a lot, never bought cartel and never will, so Ill just pretend this is the third one!

o.o its not like there's a huge difference between cost of PC and cost of a console, and you certainly make up the price on software over time assuming you're not one of those I MUST BUY ALL THE GAMES IMMEDIATELY kind of people.

Didn't quite work out.

Trying to place annotations so they have eyes.

Just what everyone wants.

Oh and its not streaming on crunchyroll... I meant to right that too.

You put up Chrunchyroll instead of Crunchyroll.

In folklore the nine tail fox general hid in the guise of a women (almost every time a concubine) and bewitched an emporer or some other powerful leader and caused them to do bad things. Their depiction in league of legends, being based off the Chinese folklore, isn't really all that off base. Sure, I don't think

Its... a face. Okay.

What? I played the game through on normal and hard, pretty well mastered the combo system, never once noticed any collision issues at all. In fact, I really thought the mechanics were quite good. I did play the game on the vita and haven't loaded it up on the PS3 yet, so maybe that is our difference? I am unsure.

She is practicing good posture!

One of those scratch guard plastic screen protector things took care of any issues I had with the wind. I'd agree though, it certainly isn't without flaws. Still <3 it though.

Really? I love LttP, probably my favorite (I've certainly played it more than the rest) outside of that I pretty much like all of them. Huge fan of Wind Waker and Majora's Mask, and one of the few people I know who actually even liked Twilight Princess.

This also filled me with a great sadness.

Schrodinger's cat is a criticism of Copenhagen... why is it always used to describe it?

My favorite part of the yakuza episode was Variation making himself the grizzled bad ass undercover guy. Then the punked thing actually caught me off guard and that also made me chuckle.

Yeah, we were just kind of sad about having bought two copies for no reason =P

I was disappointed with the fact that you can't play coop on the PS Vita. My GF and I both bought it to play together... then realized it didn't have vita coop and we felt kind of sad.