
XD that sounds amazing

I agree on all points. Actually Virtue's Last Reward is the next game I was planning on playing, so I am happy to hear your praise for it. I agree a lot of game succeed in either universe, characters, or story, but seldom have more than two of those in unison at the same time. My main point was really for me gameplay

Lol I'll take a look at Nier too. I find bad animations to be somewhat endearing and as long as the mechanics are not too bad I can usually soldier on. Thanks for the recommendation

Mass Effect didn't really impress me (I love SciFi) The story was okay and the gameplay was... honestly pretty shitty in my opinion.

That is actually going to be a purchase of mine soon! I enjoy puzzles immensely, and I've heard many good things. I'll probably start with the Vita one as it is currently the most convenient. Thanks for the input ^^

The sequel will clearly be GLaDOS taking over those robots and ruling the world.

Yeah I'm about the same as far as figuring them out. I think I connect with them fine, and I enjoy them immensely, I am just saying I don't think they are great stories. I am unsure as to why a story has to be great for me to feel immersed? My grandma makes THE best banana cream pie ever - hands down - I can't find

Oooh! Good call on Red Dead - I think its got that feeling of a campfire story that is really quite catching.

I play far too many as is o.o

Walking dead is a good story with good story telling - it isn't great. It is more like a choose your ending goosebumps story grown up than an amazing literary/videogame mesh. I love the game, I've played through it 3 times so far and enjoyed it every time.

Yeah I love Persona 4 as well - I found the story very predictable, but told well and fit well into the gameplay.

Hmm I tend to separate movies and television series. To television series - well... I just don't really like television all that much. The stories rarely have much substance and serial adaptions of stories just don't know when to end. Some things have caught me from time to time though. Off the top of my head I

I did love silent hill 2, but I think the atmosphere was what made the story, it really lacked in the good dialogue department and that hurt the story-telling quite a bit in my opinion.

I think I'm sitting about 22 years or so, but that aside what games have you played with wonderful and engaging stories? I love stories and love games and would be thrilled to find a great combination of the two that I haven't tried before. Someone else has already convinced me I should revisit a game I played over a

I loved both of those games, but heavy rain in particular just had plot hole after plot hole and just... well fell a bit short. HL2 I love, but I don't really think it has an amazing story.

I am curious what unique stories you are speaking to?

Well it depends a lot on how old I was too. I think I was 13 or so when I played that? It is certainly possible I was too young to grab on to everything in the book. As far as great stories? Well my favorite book of all time is The Once and Future King. I think I first read it when I was nine, and I'm twenty-five now,

Oh no - certainly not. I think as far as great stories a video game should look to go back to more of the classic oral traditions. I think campfire tellings of stories by bards and the great sagas of old are a much more fitting was of approaching a story in a game. A game gives the creator the ability to show the

Yeah, I would love to see a game with both great story and gameplay, but for me games are about gameplay and playing — I have books if I am in the mood for stories.

Outraged? No, just waiting. I play lots of games and I've looked for the marrying of great story and gameplay and never found it. I would love to play a game with a story of that caliber, but I do not expect it going in. I expect solid gameplay.