So THIS is what Delly did after the game
So THIS is what Delly did after the game
you should be WAY more worried if they weren’t constantly talking shit haha
Got PotG last night as Mercy, getting assists along with close to a full team revive will do it.
was going to be uncharted until Ibought DOOM and now its going to be nothing but rip and tear until there are no more guts
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! oh its ok nvm
i had this exact same thought
omg that theme song tho!
hmmm still dunno if the shirt or the thumbs terrify me more.
That made it SUPER difficult to take the petition seriously for me.
I feel like they have a shot, its not about guarding lebron imo. Its more about making sure he is the only offense for the cavs. Pretty much how the warriors took em down last year.
Pasta salad over potato salad is bullshit, plus mac needs to be higher on this list. Hush puppies are too uncommon to be number 1 dammit.
“Sorry little girl, i’m simply fulfilling the Rooney rule here”
wow FU REGION LOCKING ; ____ ;
i am nearsighted and can say after using it a few times that you might not need your glasses. I actually have better vision using a Rift since its like right in front of my eyes. Also hurt my head thinking about it haha
Wait if the game is only available through the Xbox app on PC doesnt that still make it Xbox exclusive? also the more people that play the game THE MORE LIKELY WE WILL GET ANOTHER ONE
Stevie wonder can in fact see
Nuff said