Phil the Argonian

We typically used a pretty basic time life recipe from the 50s/60s which I have modified slightly over the years. I sometimes add a little jalapeno to the onion and garlic for a little green which always turned out great. Definitely best cooked in a Dutch oven the night before planning to serve. Top with fresh onion,

Def the Razer Wolverine TE controller. Like it more than the elite and never having to take thumbs off sticks to reload in fps is critical. The little top inside shoulder buttons are amazing as well

OOh man too many restaurants there. Had sheepshead fish at Peche and some of the most bomb spaghetti at Herbsaint. I highly doubt you can find bad food there.

Really wish Twitter would require users to respond after enough people call them out on their bullshit. Would go a long way to expose these frauds if they had to back their shit up consistantly instead of just thinking aloud without being held accountable for anything.

The Behind the Bastards on Dolan is pretty incredible and dives fairly deep into his horrible music

look into the Razer controllers. Switched to those from the elite and they are WAY better imo. Little top shoulder buttons are the best and the bottom ones feel better than the paddles. Only downside(?) is they are wired but I prefer the TE one over the elite any day

This game is janky as hell but damn I love it. Just keeps giving my friends and I weird stories to tell. Hoping the mod scene will bring it to another level after all the bug fixes roll out. Def understand this isnt for everyone

Loved Blanka in IV. Wasn’t much but got my BP up to 2k with him just sitting and waiting for my opponent to move. Hard to fight something that only attacks the moment you do

ive gotten 6 drops for better devils and have dismantled all of them since I cannot stand hand cannons. Also origin story/Hard Light +titan war rig is ridiculous in pvp with the no reload

lol after passing up on the ‘horn the first time through I am NOT missing any early game exotic

Considering Bungie had a habit of rotating gear out with no warning(very happy I saved an early Shadow Price) I feel like thats the bigger issue. There is no way to tell what could be rare in the future so whats stopping Bungie from removing certain shaders at any time but still keeping them in the Eververse pool?

Why not just reduce games from 4 quarters to 1 half for preseason? They are just glorified practices plus beer is cut off in the 3rd quarter anyways

Damn really thought the Mario movie one I made would get a mention. All good entries this last week tho

I would get a text from a woman in Boston at like 2-4AM occasionally expressing thanks for the wine dinners the night before along with sending pics of really odd house items that look like they were bought at Ross.

Sliders set to max all day every day

Damn I came here to say the only thing worse than being lectured by Kyle about blogging more would be if it was Draper. Whoops!



Only 1 chapter in and I have come to the conclusion it is FF Shenmue. Dialog and NPC interactions can be amazingly bad and I love it.

Love the thing, I just use the top two paddles though. Mapping one to reload has done wonders for FPS. Same with the stick sensitivity settings. Thing is amazing.