
One of the few benefits of mobile browsing.  Just a list for me.

I would never own one, or want to bee seen near one. But it's like some of the shitty books or music I enjoy...

I’m not sure if I like the results, but I admire the full-blown commitment.

All great answers here. Gotta love having such an informed community in the comments section.

I’m stealing “chef’s kiss” thanks!

I mean, not everyone understand how “homo” can be offensive

Isn’t it hypocritical to insult someone who may or may not have insulted someone?

It’s 2021. Anyone still using homo as a slur is well past the point of being given the benefit of the doubt. 

When was the last time a Le Mans winner was relevant to your daily commute?

And don’t say shit like “gone totally homo” like it’s a pejorative, you fucking Neanderthal.

It’s gorgeous. Now that we’re seeing colors beyond yellow, I want to know where I can start lobbying to ask for my favorite color options, orange and brown.

I attended the wealthiest high school in my state, and watched a rich girl plow her Escalade into a fucking school bus (thankfully not the one I was riding in) that she somehow missed. No one hurt, but she was driving a new one the following Monday.

It’s such a one-dimensional, narrowminded, troglodytic notion of car enthusiasm too. Mashing the ‘Go pedal’ and going fast isn’t the only way to appreciate cars.

Sure, but there will always be human error. The issue here is the purposeful and deliberate disregard for physics and the safety of others by these street racers. I don’t see soccer moms pushing their SUV’s past 100MPH and hitting a nitrous button just to impress their friends. People died here for a joyride, man.

Don’t come here with your “facts” asshole. Texas votes for Republicans because we don’t need facts. We go with our gut instinct. You can’t find that in any science book or “meteorology” report. Why? Because we aren't scared of meteors.

Showboating and speed are not the whole of car culture, or even the majority part. It is just the loudest. And the most expendable.

Merkins are stupid

On public streets? Abso-fucking-lutely.

Jason, I have another idea.

After you drive without consistent fit and finish, it gets very annoying to go back!”