
Chemtrail headline is clickbait and awful.  This needs to be fixed. 

Seconded the chemtrail eye roll. Please get that shitty headline changed. It’s airplane emissions, not chemtrails.

Yeeeeeah, I know it was meant as a joke, but it’s one of those things where I hate to even give a passing glimpse of validation to those conspiracy theorists, even if it’s in jest.

Yeah, I’m still not sure if the use of the word ‘chemtrails’ was meant as a joke...

2020 is such a dumpster fire that I had actually thought for a minute - Oh Shit, the government is actually looking at regulating chemtrails.

I’d love to see nissan bring back the 240sx (or 180sx turbo’d).  

I mean, I write a lot of fucking articles?

In this regard, it’s similar to a Rolls Royce: you stick an umbrella in the hole.



The problem is, a certain private equity herb has no idea how to run a site network. The pages are so laden down with display ads that it’s made it hard to Google my own work from here. Google mistakes it for spam. :(


To crib on John Oliver- while we all know that Matt Gaetz doesn't know much, it's also important to remember that he also doesn't know anything, either.

At least you haven’t got the Lexus which has tail lights that lose their redness, so they shine white to the rear.

I love all clear tails. Cleared out my Mazdaspeed3's tails and used LEDs. Luckily the reflectors are in the bumper as well.

odds on if he’s a mask wearer or not?