Daniel Stern is the quintessential “some guy on the internet” for lighting. He’s the go to link through for all forum questions about led retrofits.
Daniel Stern is the quintessential “some guy on the internet” for lighting. He’s the go to link through for all forum questions about led retrofits.
Andrew, if Daniel Stern is still willing to answer questions, I’d appreciate a followup were we discuss NOT peak/ideal conditions (the problematic cuttoff pattern or perceived brightness or the more desirable hot spot intensity and reduced glare (??)) but instead typical user experience.
Look, ok, I'm basic, but still, how is there no Silvia?
There was an excellent podcast episode from the last couple years where a black journalist reflects on his dukes of Hazzard fandom from childhood and talks about how the most insidious part of it wasn’t that everyone was super racist but that symbols of racism were treated as just scene dressing for a pulp sitcom. A…
We’re living in a moment where talking to our metaphorical and actual neighbors (or not talking to them) is in flux. Simultaneously, we’re beginning to reacon with how people with a lot privilege have been unfairly sticking their noses into the private matters of those with less while also dealing with people openly…
Ah, I’m not hoovie, I’d never heard of him until now (which makes me either old, young, or I don’t know what). My original thought for my reply was asking whether it was a good or bad thing that Hoovie had one but it seemed like you had a clear negative tone. My bad for misreading.
So, I had not heard of this fine(?) individual before. I went and looked into it and I’m not sure if this is good or bad. He doesn’t seem like he oozes cool but then, not a single person reading jalopnik does (or should, but I digress). He seems like a classic jalop, buys used interesting cars and then tries to make…
There’s interesting historical work to be done here if you and Mr. Baum think there is a need to demonstrate that women are given too much credit for scientific discoveries and inventions during this period in history in the US. Not my agenda, but if it’s something you’re interested in, have at it.
Did you trip on the way to a news site and land here accidentally? Jalopniks' bread and butter are the spunk and the snark....
Well I’ll be damned, some people like Camrys 😉.
You should absolutely never overbuy a car, but life is also far to short to drive a shit box you hate. Set your buying criteria based on need and what you can afford and buy what makes you happy. Bend these guidelines toward happy by finding a way o afford it (maybe used, maybe project, maybe some other budget…
God, the fucking notification system had me all ready to slap you but the full post receives a high five instead.
I am extremely proud of you for buying, using, and Easter-egging in the lede image the Indian edition of the textbook. Fuck the academic publishers who gouge American students just because they can.
I’ve been trying to figure out why it looks so bad and I think it’s because the lines of the design have no relationship to the lines of the vehicle.
There is really only one way you should buy a delorean unless you know the previous owner:
Got my first car from Hertz used sales. Solid reliable Mazda 626 and was excellent for a first time driver because there just isn’t enough there to hurt yourself with (well, beyond the standard 1.5 tons of steel in any car).