
Never ascribe to malice what can easily be explained by incompetence.

Not only is [calling for regulatory protection for their business model] a deeply ironic argument for the fiercely capitalist Silicon Valley darlings to be making,

Yeah, I know. But do you think some skunk works in mazda might say “fuck it, let’s scale that range extender up 300% and slap some turbos on it, rx-9 baby!”

How do we feel about a hybrid rx with a rotary range extender? Or maybe the chance of a range extender platform scaled up into a full size twin rotor?

It’s probably the best of the wedge cars (unless corvettes count but c5 is really a butter face) but it’s still a wedge car. But then again, that comes from a shameless 240sx owner.... Gotta love and hate the big bro.

Yeah, I know, I got that far in the research in lowering kits but there nothing reasonable one can do aftermarket for gas mileage that bad. Hybrid retrofits are starting to appear for fleet vehicles (replaces the drive shaft, very clever) but still not practical for consumer last I checked (3 Mos ago). 

I detest SUVs as an article of faith but I’ve always loved the flex. Seriously considered getting one but I’d want it dropped 2inches and really wished they’d offered a hybrid drive train. Thing gets depressing gas mileage (not for its size maybe, but for anything reasonably sized).

“Externality combustion” might be a good pejorative (if you are looking for one) until we switch to a fully clean electric grid (which in San Francisco, costs me 1 cent more per kilowatt hour so I did it).

Shhhh, no facts. Anyone shopping a crossover is looking for perceived utility not actual utility.

But, as a former graphic designer and UX designer,

Though it hadn’t really occurred to me until reading this, of course there’s a functional reason for the sound to communicate speed and acceleration.

I have so many feels about this but the one I can’t shake is this:

Anna, given your clear (and justifiable) suspicion of attractive cis-het white couples voluntarily glorifying a way of living that many people who don’t share all those privileges have been involuntarily living, I’d love your thoughts/experiences/observations on whether this has nevertheless created positive

So, is it good stock? I still feel like tasteful mods are a better use of this car. 

I've always had a thing for the crx, but isn't the point to tastefully modify it? Tastes definitely vary, but as far as I can tell every single example above was modified. As it should be. Right? 

Said it before, will say it again: where’s my royalty check?

Aww, look, you made it sad

By even asking that question, a million Honda engineers cried out in terror and then were suddenly silenced.

Dear sweet Jesus should we ever be so desperate as to follow advice from Michiganders about road safety. Unlimited liability insurance HAHAHAHAHA!

It indeed behooves us to consider the term pompous and the need to dictate to others a self aggrandizing hierarchy in a shared experience. Too often in the always and everywhere age have artists believed in their superiority over the tastes of their audience. “You’re a bunch of heathens” they foam. “Get over yourself