So you want to do what they say can’t be done?
Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
Craigslist be like,
This is about what I was expecting from the first episode, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching them do their thing. It makes sense to start off doing what you know and making sure you bring folks back into the fold. I strongly suspect that the shenanigans will increase, and that we’ll see some new stuff soon.
This confirms Jalopnik staff can always find something to whine about.
You know, it seems like these days everything is aimed towards the safety of pedestrians. Cars are redesigned, hybrids and EVs must make noise, city speed limits have been lowered between once and three times, they add lights, stop signs, reduce the width of lanes, add chicanes... I walked everywhere from 6 years…
One day when (if?) they unveil this thing at an auto show, we’ll do a Jalopnik Video that’s just me and Raph weeping in front of it for a straight hour.
She blamed Teslas Autopilot
Doesn’t even look like much roll.
nah, she was turning around to tell them to “GET OFF MAH FUKIN DRIVEWAY”
i would imagine “a series of tubes”
Is there ever a time when riding passenger isn’t terrifying? Or do I just have control issues...
I must say, these articles have made me even more cautious about using Autopilot now. Not because I’m scared of the system, but because I don’t want my goddamn name and what I was doing while driving plastered all across the interwebs.
I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?
Yep, lucky it wasn’t a Mustang or the film crew would be dead.
The question I have, is why would you own a dagger that is not designed to kill something?