
It’s certainly operating in the red.

“The only thing that makes sense in my head at the the time was whole Obama thing with forcing transgenders to use bathrooms.”

The closest one it’s still too far away.

It’s amazing how many sites I had to check before I found one that didn’t have “From my reading and research” excised - I suppose because it’s more salacious without it. It disgusts me that so many outlets, including this one, would work to make a statement about possible child sexual abuse more salacious.

Good context; thank you.

Oddly enough, here’s the full quotation, not reported by Jezebel:

I agree it’s a bit disingenuous to just focus on the receipts when previous coverage has highlighted how radioactive this film was for distributors in the first place. They could barely find anyone to release it and, of course, it played in only a few markets with little fanfare. When your subject matter is so

I feel like it’s a bit uncharitable to call An Open Secret a bomb even if yes, technically it was a total box office failure, but how many screens did it even open on? And how much money was available for any type of promotion? And how many people go to see documentaries in the theater in the first place, especially

What might help is if the TSA would stack the bins where people can empty out their pockets while in line, and not wait until they’re actually at the scanner.

So you mean, that TSA couldn’t foresee that there would be people who couldn’t find their asses, are traveling? Please, I get that unforeseeable circumstances could cause problems - but travelers have been completely unprepared since the first creature crawled out of the primordial ooze and had to evolve or die. It’s

If they’d fuck off with the take off your belt and shoes and take laptops out of bags things would go a hell of a lot more smoothly. That whole song and dance is nothing but bullshit theater.

But how can people empty their pockets without any bins to put them into? The bins are way up there, but I (and my coin collection) are way back here. Give me a damn bin while I’m in line and I think we could work something out.

Right but I think one issue we’re not addressing is yes people could be more prepared, have laptops out, change out of pockets, etc. but the question remains where. Have you noticed you don’t really start preparing until you’re almost to the point of putting your stuff in trays and pulling stuff out? I mean whats the

Passenger ignorance may explain why wait times are long, but it does not explain why wait times have increased. It’s not like the passengers are stupider now than they were a couple years ago.

There just needs to be a penalty box/prep area. You have that shit in your pockets, aren’t ready. Boom. Go stand over here, get your poop in a group and then you can rejoin the line instead of tying up the entire queue.

Let’s say this is the primary cause of the long lines, for the sake of discussion.