
Big as a juice box? What is this a pencil shop for ants?!

Thank you.. I am sick of the hypocrisy. When Rich Juz at Gawker writes articles about "fuckable" men it drives me crazy. Objectification is objectification. I thought it was disgusting when Jezebel posted those pictures of an actress' breasts popping out last week. You would think Jezebel would be above this kind of

Were there any bangable daughters there?

One very hot summer day several years ago my family had a moon bounce set up for my little cousin's birthday party the next day. I decided to "test it out" so I climbed inside and jumped around for a bit. I wore myself out pretty quickly because it was 90-something degrees out. I got the bright idea to attempt a back


I think it was a joke about her supposedly not showing up for work a lot, like Lindsey Lohan style. But yeah, what a dumb thing to say.

I might. If he could turn shit into wine, too.

I'd let Ben McKenzie poop on me..

You've matured so fast.

I'm not defending the cast (they could all be dicks for all I know), but he said that he doesn't talk to ANYONE he's EVER worked with. He sounds like an asshole himself.

I love gum and I'll never give it up. Not everyone who chews gum chomps away at it. I don't see how it's "gross." It freshens your breath and helps clean your teeth.

Benevolent sexism at its finest! Women are so special, so delicate.

You just can't stop writing about this, can you? Milking it for all its worth.

I wouldn't qualify that as a "tantrum."

Wait, so does he really have a tan line from showing off his abs so much?

Not in my case. I'm only 24 but I've lost two pretty important people in my life. One was a good friend about 3 years ago to a car accident, which was my first experience with loss. It was hard but I never turned to god for answers. I accepted that he no longer exists but that doesn't make our friendship when he did

I missed that part in my human genetics class. I don't think you can "look" gay. But I understand what you're saying.

I like to make bad jokes purposefully. Probably because I make bad jokes anyway, so at least I can call it my shtick when a really bad one comes out.

He's adorable.

What's the object of this grinder game you're talking about? Is it a first-person shooter? All right, I'm high. I'll stop.