
Sure, just ignore all the examples of National single payer being functional and giving better results at lower costs, i.e. almost every other country in the fucking world. Better things aren’t possible because of American exceptionalism. 

“The AMA artificially suppressed medical school accreditation and limits residency funding to limit the number of doctors to keep salaries high.”

It’s almost like single payer needs to be national in order to function. 

BTW: Tulsi Gabbard 2020!”

“In no way am I saying this is her fault, but here’s how it’s her fault.”

Um, no. That’s a fantasy instilled by NRA death cult propagandists.

Tulsi Gabbard is a homophobic supporter of such charming people as Bashar al Assad and has close ties to a right-wing Indian political party. She’s constantly playing footsie with the Trump administration and has even interviewed for jobs with them. She’s trash. Congratulations on finding someone more repellent than

Tulsi Gabbard? Repping an Assadist to own the libs, right?

Yes, getting things done is hard and may take a decade or two, but Democrats of McCaskill’s generation didn’t have the stomach for that.

The absolute disdain the centrists in the Democratic Party have for anyone to their left is disturbing. It only gets that much more annoying when they constantly blame any critique coming from the left as ‘purity tests’, while they’re here tearing down AOC before she’s even started work and constantly blasting down

The first link is worth a read!

Maybe even get out of NYC every now and then?

We’ve covered other women who will be congressional newbies in January. Here are just a few examples:

Claire McCaskill has the political awareness of a cup of warmed over cream of mushroom soup. She was elected in the Bush backlash of 2006, barely beat Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin by hanging onto Obama’s re-election coattails in 2012, and was finally kicked out by a faceless white male nobody who she couldn’t go


They should vet the actual Democratic candidates too, though.

All else aside, you kind of undercut yourself by putting these two consecutively:

I know you don’t *think* you are, but every person I’ve encountered who tells a story like yours and frames it as “merit and work got me mine” undersells their privilege by a lot and generally fails pretty badly to understand the circumstances of others in declaring themselves smarter.

I have learned nothing from this diary, because his experience is so thoroughly impossible to replicate.