
We all agree “donations” is code for “cocaine, right

Klee makes his money by tutoring for the GMAT, LSAT and GRE.”

$615 in donations per month is money spent on cam girl websites, surely?

Based on his comments to the reporters he took for a buggy ride:

I’d say part of being a smart businessman is not tweeting something about taking your company private and costing yourself $20 million because you have a pathological need to post a weed joke to impress a soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.

Effective rockets of questionable reliability. In four years they’ve had more failures than the 30 year space shuttle program (which was also reusable, lest he take credit for that innovation) that was considered too unreliable to continue to use.

His vision now no longer involves a Skate instead of a car.

That’s true but the point of my comment was to correct the OP on his misinterpretation of the quote pertaining to who's money they were putting in at the time the email was written. At that point they weren't talking about the public funding anymore only their own money. The lawsuit was a factor in construction delays

me too

On top of that, a tunnel of that size with minimal ventilation won’t have nearly enough oxygen to burn people to death! Everyone in those tunnels is much more likely to suffocate than burn! I can’t believe people are so desperate to attack Musk that they would leave out basic facts.

Just FYI, when I get back to my computer from the bus stop I’m gonna ban everyone who came here to defend this doofus. Thanks.

All kidding aside, at 150 mph, you just better have a damn good conductor.

He took over a car company and forced out the creators. Let’s not rewrite history. 

Elon Musk is Donald Trump for people with Funko Pop collections.

Scenario: You are Elon Musk. You hear that some kids are trapped in a cave in Thailand and will drown within 36 hours without help. Do you:

He 100% got this idea from The Simpsons Stonecutters episode:

... but his tunnels aren’t actually cheaper. He didn’t invent a cheaper way of making tunnels, he didn’t making new boring machines that are better at making tunnels, he didn’t find a better, cheaper way of reinforcing them,  he literally just made a tunnel that’s missing a whole bunch of infrastructure a function

Elon will never love you.


But it worked in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook!