If you’re put off so easily by the wrong tone, perhaps you aren’t as committed to progressive values as you think you are.
If you’re put off so easily by the wrong tone, perhaps you aren’t as committed to progressive values as you think you are.
Because there’s a sizable segment of liberals who are just as immersed in grievence politics as the Right is.
They also made room for the incredibly shady Tim Miller because they’re happy to make room for discussions on the right-wing political spectrum too.
My dude, you come across as the petty and jealous one here.
There’s a strange earnestness to them that belies the fact they’re just looking to make a buck. It’s almost endearing.
Neera is not an idiot, she’s dishonest and disingenuous. That doesn’t make her less detestable, but it separates her from the more obvious grifters like the Krassensteins.
Considering that all young players are subject to either strict draft bonus requirements or strict international bonus requirements and have been for several years now, no teams with “unlimited” resources can buy whichever players they want anymore. This is ignoring that most owners crying poor aren’t poor and benefit…
So instead of big market teams trading away expensive players to get under the soft cap like we’ve had the last few years, you’d rather have a hard cap in which big market teams trade away expensive players to get under the hard cap?
Anyone that unironically uses the line “did you take Economics 101" assuredly doesn’t know much of anything about economics and will fuck up some fact about economics during the same conversation.
...if you simply look at the number of different teams that have made the Super Bowl compared to the number of different teams that have made the World Series. I have never done the research to prove either way...
All the “you’re too easily offended” types are going to gloss over the fact this entire rant is whining about how people can’t be casually racist anymore without people calling them out on it and instead make it about people being “too sensitive” as opposed to just tired of the same stupid bullshit.
The whole “being honest with my coworkers” shit is really just code for “saying whatever I want on my terms with no consequences.” Every person I’ve ever met that talks this way not only gets pissy when you don’t communicate with them in a way they like, but do so quite often.
Bring back MRSA jokes, baby!
Actual emotional and mental maturity is knowing how the people you’re communicating with will respond and using the method that gets them to understand you most easily. It’s not saying whatever idiotic thing that springs to mind and then blaming everyone else because they don’t fully accept your “truth” delivered in…
I know this is hard for you to grasp, but honesty can be delivered in ways that don’t involve deranged stories using racial slurs.
You may find this surprising, but I’d bet a lot of your coworkers think you’re an asshole but don’t tell you that because it’s extremely likely you’ll flip out on them if they did.
Ooof. This made me wince aloud.
All this considered, St. Louis County is full of weirdos who will lose it if you dare suggest anything about the greater St. Louis area is anything but great. They have zero capacity for self-deprecation.
Somehow after breaking a 108-year drought they’re even MORE doom-and-gloom than they were before. The amount of bitching I’ve heard about this year’s team--which has its problems but on the whole is quite good--blows me away.
I once encountered a Cardinals fan who insisted this photo was doctored and that this man is actually a Cubs fans even though there is another photo of the same dude from a different angle.