
Oh, the people in the surrounding suburbs absolutely know it’s a hollowed out shell and are terrified of it.

Yadi is getting $20 million a year right now and will through his age 37 season and you won’t find many Cardinals fans who think that’s a bad deal.

I actually unfollowed the BestFansStLouis account because it got lazy and just kept tweeting variants of “haha, these rubes are so racist!” instead of the peculiar inferior complex and piousness that distinguishes Cardinals fans from the rest of baseball fans and leads them to celebrate things such as Toasted Ravioli

A lot of people think racism is the unique characteristic of the Cardinals fanbase, but it’s actually their crippling inferiority complex.

I’m not really surprised people are missing the nuance of the criticism here. The Cardinals front office has proved itself to be as petty as it is incompetent and publicly trashing the character of one of their struggling players is exactly the sort of thing I’d expect.

1. Toasted ravioli are actually a good but unspectacular bar food even if they’re completely misnamed.

You keep analyzing the circumstances relative to a regular base runner, which Baez is not. He routinely uses creative slides to avoid the tag on close plays which increase the odds of success—that’s *why* he can make those plays.

Well this explains why Maddon wanted him gone from the Cubs staff.

Oh, they aren’t materially doing anything helpful because their material position is relatively secure and comfortable. That’s the problem with the Democrats positioning themselves as the position of the educated professional class: they’ve aligned with people who believe they have something to lose in a greater

With regards to positions such as “abolish police” you’ll have to step back out of a lot of assumptions about what those institutions were created to do and do today. If your answer is “to keep people safe” know that the Supreme Court has actually ruled police are not required to do that.

A sense of satisfaction that their worldview—that they’re the smart, educated, clear-eyed, logical, and most importantly persuasive people who will ultimately bring everyone together because of their efforts—is true.

Serious question: Do you realize the #Resistance are mostly moderate and left-of-center types and not people as far left as Nolan is?

I sometimes wonder if the liberal worldview will ever recover from the damage it received in 2016 and I’m beginning to think it never will.


“It’s perfectly fine to have priorities and preferences that differ from the mainstream, or even from elements within your own, broader political party; if those priorities and preferences carry enough weight with the voting public, they’ll win out in the end”

And my answer would be, so what?

Okay, let’s consider the utility for millions of your proposed Red America’s citizens: the 20 or so million African-Americans, the tens of millions of women, and the millions of LGBTQ citizens who would be subject to the rule of a people who have open contempt for them and would unilaterally subjugate those people

It’s definitely understated how pervasive this attitude is among liberal thinking who even in their support of social welfare distinguish between worthy and unworthy poor. (I don’t know the political inclination of the person we’re replying to, but I do know people who speak like that proudly vote Democrat.)

The best part of that whole smug screed was treating the $120-after-taxes bonus as a comment about disliking taxes and not about disliking the pittance of a bonus being passed off as generous.

The Gorilla Channel is real