
I can’t keep all these Mission Impossible movies straight anymore. Is this the one where Tom Cruise does his own crazy stunts and his insurance company tries to have him killed?

More like Spencer's

I found Jalopnik hoping to read about cars, not hatred for Republicans.  My group of (admittedly older) car loving friends are mostly Conservative, but like to keep politics out of most of our car talk.  You hippies have fun, I'll move along.  In case anyone wants to have an open mind, go read for yourself about NMA,

So deleting comments that expose the hit piece are “ok”

I pretty much agree with 99.9% of what Jalopnik posts but this hit piece is pretty bad journalism. It appears the Collin Woodard spent no time in researching the actual NMA stance on DUI which states: “The NMA supports DUI/DWI regulations based on reasonable standards that differentiate between responsible behavior

If nuclear weapons are being used, the last thing I will worry about is flight delays.  Unless I happened to have a flight booked for New Zealand.

its no longer a automotive journalism site, its a soap box for the woke

Straight Six beats V6 all day, every day.

I only ever used canned chili for hot dogs. Hormel, no beans, is my go-to, but Bush’s makes a really good variety, too.

If they were going for ugliest new car, big win here.

Yep banks aren’t our friends, but they are FDIC insured.

Turns out the enemy of your enemy can also be your enemy.

Thawing a steak in the microwave?  Air frying a steak?  You’re all monsters.

What makes you think people would want to go to their high school reunion at all?

Antenna TV is better than you think...wise up

I didn’t know Ferrari made sedans

Wait, it wasn’t a Tesla? Why are you even reporting on this?

Insurance. Fraud.

When I was looking though the pictures of “The Mayfair Witches” all I could think of was... why the fuck is Doctor Oz on that show? Sorry Mr. Hamlin.

That’s a gold standard of beige right there...