
They also wrote an article about it 2 weeks ago:

Speaking of British bombs, let’s pour out a 40… of Guinness

Oh yes, great idea. Make people buy more products made of fossil fuels before they should have. Excellent big brained idea.

Stupid that it’s income capped. Not sure on the logic if you’re trying to encourage everyone to minimize car purchases. Also, how is income capping even a thing post-Plessy v Ferguson? Seems classifying people by income and treating them differently goes against this decision.

tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’

User couldn’t find a clever name because they were already busy coming up with blazing one-word retorts!

More like the Batmobile had sex with a cheese grater.

Tim Burton is scrambling to find his credit card to put down a deposit right now.

Holy shit. Ariel is building the car that all 7 year olds inside of us has always wanted.

The 16 people who couldn’t hang probably decided to just sell their crappy Tesla.

Those pillows are cute, but those of us with kids are wondering if the apple juice will be spilled on them before or after they start flying around the cabin.

I have never once been like “this entire room of strangers needs something from me”.

Oh no!

I’ll take a Grand Tour special over an Erik Shilling article any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

“I’m not sure if anyone would notice if after this they returned to their other hustles and never made another Grand Tour special ever again.”

I’m sorry you’ve forgotten how to have fun.

I actually had to stop watching the trailer at my desk at work because I was giggling with delight.....and I didn’t even have the sound on.

Your attitude is why Jalopnik is the way that it is now. No fun, disdainful, snarky, and downright elitist. No actual review or opinion other than “this thing that people like, well it sucks, because I said so”.

Clickbait headline.

Garbage bag/bin.  Choose what fits your aesthetic sensibilities, but something as simple as a Command hook on which to hang a plastic grocery bag will suffice.