
Imagine if these sat in a lot for ages waiting for computer chips only to have the engine that had been sitting there the whole time be junk. Brutal.

Semi driver was probably making a Tik Tok, going on about how the ‘Freedom Convoy’ will rise again.

I’d love for a day to go by without hearing about this guy.

If you don’t subscribe to AppleCare+, they’ll quote any vehicle repair at 90% the cost of a new vehicle. 

The time is now: Resurrect Lucas Electrical!

Lego, and they already do.

In any case, I feel very happy and safe living in a society in which a man can beat a woman within an inch of her life

The depths to which “Believe Women” is used as a mantra that will allow otherwise rational people to abandon due process and the skepticism and incredulity that they would approach any other situation where a person’s allegations didn’t survive an investigation is beyond crazy and positively Kafkaesque.

Believe the ‘victim’, even if she is lying.

There is a difference between “Believe her” and “Believe her no matter how much evidence come out that she is liar”.

Translation: “We see those fat markups dealers are making on our stuff, and we want to be the ones gouging the customers”

Omg everyone can fuck all the way off with this nonsense.   Anyone who watched the trial know she lied about EVERYTHING.   She is the one with a DV history, she is the one who was abusing him.   He may be a shitty person but he did not abuse her.   She is facing perjury trials in Australia and the UK and probably here

I actually made myself un-gray before I lost access to the author account. lol

Too bad Dave Tracy’s busy over at Autopian with his no-hope-in-hell-of-ever-getting-it-registered-in-Australia Valiant Ute ‘project’...

Price gouging. We all know it is. 

It feels weird to be just a commenter again! :)

Just one look at those picture and I can hear the interior squeaks.

“...Warner Bros. TV has reviewed 10 of the eight scripts for the drama...”

that’s what I call due diligence!

Distance irrelevant.  It got away.

Can those skinny security bollards really stop a big truck? The answer, apparently, is a strong “yes.”