
Learned this in college back in the 80s.  Our psych professor commented on how frustrating it is to listen to AC/DC while driving, when the guy in the car in front of you is listening to Barry Manilow.

I have to assume, being a Bugatti, that getting to that one screw to tighten it requires disassembling approximately 60% of the vehicle.

Why is this a video?

Though I was going to see a little hidden line at the end of the article saying is was originally posted in 2018, since they’re padding things out lately with that shit. And don’t get me started on the click though shit.

If you have an emotional connection to a Nissan Versa, seek help.

I’ve got a tip about some property in Mar-a-Lago.   

I’m delighted to see Cuernitos on the list. Growing up in Laredo, Texas right on the border, these were and still are king in my book. I live in Austin now, and the cuernitos are harder to find up here. I wonder where the Angela grew up. When I do find cuernitos here, the don’t have nearly enough lard in them. The

I swear to Christ, the next mother fucker to call this a Marvel movie...

Sony. It’s Sony, they own the film rights to a reported 900+ characters connected to/associated with Spider-Man. That “In Association With Marvel” tag they put on them is a legal obligation, no one from Marvel had anything to with this pile or any

Arlo, living in Hawaii is over-rated. Keep the van.

They do exist!

Well when all of your writers quit, you have to dig up old things... i mean what 30% of the articles are old.. sweet. Lets all read about a 1st gen new Volt.

At lest we had plenty of coverage on a trucker convoy that nobody gave a shit about.

Every vehicle on sale should be tailored to me: a young, broke, urban, liberal

Sure. They are both now renamed the Ever Block and Ever Stuck.

2nd Gear: They need to stop referring to them as reservations and call it a waiting list. A reservation comes with the expectation of a specific time and date, like a dinner or hotel reservation. If you don’t know when it will be available to you, you’re on waitlist - even if it doesn’t sound as fancy and exclusive as

The whole earth is a ship flying through space.

It makes sense they gave it no access to open water.

How much do we bet that it is filled with speedboats and shirtless guys drinking beer?

1st Gear: “We will now make our vehicles larger but shittier because Americans will pay more for a large car despite it being shittier. Tiguan XL with no soft touch plastics here we come!”
