
The said they wanted the full Wrangler experience...

at some point even the used market will become unaffordable if things keep going this way, might be ok from environment stand point but extremely damaging for low income people wanting to be functional in a country built around cars and driving

Truck Nutz is so obvious I’m surprised it wasn’t in the prompt.

If I were rich I’d buy this, but only ironically. It would have one purpose: to drive my daughter to school in an effort to teach her humility.

What’s extra confusing is that we DID have BLM protestors too which was also a big news story.

Plus I bet they won’t bill for their services.

a physician and three neonatal intensive care nurses

Jeep driver here. Can confirm. Without context - just the headline and the photo is confusing.

The people protesting that BLM get better treatment. Can’t qwhite put my finger on why.

Bonus: double the fuel...FOR FREE!

How would you know it was a Ford if it wasn’t Ford blue?!


Did somebody say

I used to be all about flipping people off if they tailgated me or cut me off, etc. Now I just let things roll because in the last 30-ish years since I got my license road rage has gone from getting the bird back at you to this kind of shit. Ain’t worth it. Let the other idiot think they win - at least you can walk

Can anyone explain why you’d have a camera filming inside your car? Is this guy an Uber driver or something? I get filming the crazy people around you, but why film yourself?

Hey David Tracy, you see all that rust?  I have a bridge to sell you.

This is such garbage. cars already cost way too much to begin with!

I never knew it was possible to hate so many people and yet this is where I find myself.

I just want to scream.

I don’t know that Paramount is interested in another Kelvin timeline Star Trek movie. They seem to have pivoted away from sub-par Star Trek movies and into sub-par Star Trek streaming TV shows.

Yeah, we’ve seen this before. He would get it down to a fleet of 3 cars and then stumble across the world’s only diesel 5 speed station wagon built by AMC and would have to buy it, even it was found in a lake at a salt mine (actually ESPECIALLY if it was found in a lake in a salt mine). Then he would have someone give