
I find the beard to be the most disturbing part of all this.

Disrupt driver attention!


1st Gear. Its like there’s no free energy out there. Phucking physics.

You’ve made an assumption that his constituency wants the trappings of modern civilization.

THe rollcage question is interesting, because most rulesets require the fuel tank to be inside the cage or otherwise protected. The logic behind that would probably also apply to electric cars, and that could lead to some interesting problems with floor-mounted batteries.

Maybe they could make a special battery pack for drag racing with lower kw/hrs but use 21700 cells to get similar output. Or a bunch of supercapacitors with just enough juice to get it down the line. Those can blow up but they don’t generally burn for days.

IIRC you do need a full cage for 9's. The Unplugged Performance Tesla that Randy Pobst drove at Pikes Peak earlier this year had a full cage, so I doubt it’s a problem for the batteries. 

Interesting question. Google tells me Tesla rollcage kits do exist, but I’m betting you have to take the batteries out to install it since it has to be welded to the floor!

Don’t we all.

I have cleaned a substantial amount of mud and a bit of manure off my boots on those nice little brushes.

To add to the fun, most vehicles as fast as a Model S Stupid Edition weigh literally thousands of pounds less. That much mass at that high of a speed makes for large holes in the scenery *when* something goes wrong.

Wearing my n95 indoors and being boosted says “i respect your fellow humanity and we are just trying to do our best”

I am indescribably tired of my fellow whites. Jfc, do better you dumb fucks. 

Looks like a sail. Works like a sail. It’s a sail with a marketing department.

Nonsense - MGs are great cars.  Like any car they have to be looked after, but yes, they will easily last a long time.  And yes, I owned one, so I have first hand experience with what they are.

An inch of snow means you should abandon your car: drivers in Atlanta, late January, 2014.

Austin Man tries to one-up Florida Man and succeeds. (and I hate to say this, as an Austin native)

A 1965 Plymouth Valiant is a better winter car than a 2002 Toyota Land Cruiser

You’re why we can’t have nice things.